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Money Cheat For Sims 4 Pc Game

The Sims 4 Seasons Cheats: The developer of The Sims 4 Seasons have brought several changes in it making it one of the most entertaining life simulation video game. But, if things do not go as per our mindset, we have to use some The Sims 4 cheats to take the power in our hand. In this article, we have shortlisted some of the best The Sims 4 Season cheats to make the game more interesting and easy.

  1. Money Cheat In Sims 4
  2. Sims 4 Cheats Pc

Sims 4 Money Cheats It’s worth noting that cheats like motherlode, rosebud, and kaching can be used over and over, so don’t be afraid to use them whenever your Sims could do with a little cash. How to use Cheats in Sims 4 To begin with, open up the comfort with Ctrl + Shift + C. At that point investigate the rundown of cheats for Sims 4 beneath and input the order in the exchange box. Press Enter and the cheat will be enacted.

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To enter Cheat Codes in The Sims 4, you must first open the Cheat Console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C on your PC. Some of the most effective money cheats include: Read More. Sims 4: The ultimate cheat for unlimited money With cheats enabled in your game, type the exact amount of Simoleons you want to your household to have after the word money. If you want your. How to enter cheats on The Sims 4 on PC and Mac: Press Ctrl + Shift + C together This will then bring up the Cheat Console. Enter the cheat of your choice, press the Enter Key, and the Sims 4 cheat. The Sims 4 is not exactly a challenging game but Maxis included several cheat codes for players who want a helping hand. These cheats let you protect your Sims from death or shower them in money. The Sims 4 Money Cheats Make sure you use testingcheats true before trying to input other cheats. The Sims 4 Build / Buy Mode Cheats Aside from the codes below, there are some extra cheats you can use for Buy / Buy mode.

Be sure to save your game before you insert or use the following list of Sims 4 Season cheats. Yes, previous update of the game caused issues with the existing skill cheats, a known issue that the developers has resolved now.

In order to use The Sims 4 Season Charts, you will have to open the command console by pressing Control + Shift + C, and entering testingcheats true allowing the game to accept the cheats you are entering. You have an option to hide the command console with Escape, if its not in use.

Money Cheat In Sims 4

How to use cheats in The Sims 4

Before you enter any The Sims 4 cheat codes, you will need to bring up the not so secret cheat option. We have mentioned how you can use cheat in the Sims 4 for PC, Mac and Xbox One.

PC: Hold CTRL and Shift, then press c.

Mac: Hold Command and Shift, then press c.

Xbox One: Hold down all four shoulder buttons at once.

You will see a box in the right corner of the screen where you can now type the following cheat codes.

All The Sims 4 Seasons Cheats

  • seasons.advance_season – Skips ahead to the next season.
  • seasons.set_season (number) – Replace (number) with the corresponding season you want to jump to. 0 for summer, 1 for fall, 2 for winter, 3 for spring.
  • weather.request_forecast (number)– Shows the weather forecast on the calendar for the set number of days. Replace (number) with any value between 1 and 28 to show that amount of days.
  • weather.summon_lightning_strike – Summon a lightning strike to a random target on the ground.
  • weather.lightning_strike_object – Summon a lightning strike to a random object.
  • weather.lightning_strike_here – Enter the x y z coordinates to summon a lightning strike in a specific location.
  • traits.equip_trait Stormchaser – Acclimates a Sim to stormy weather.
  • traits.equip_trait Waterproof – Makes a Sim waterproof, and will not get wet in the rain.
  • traits.equip_trait ColdAcclimation – Reduces (but does not prevent) the effects caused to a Sim by cold weather.
  • traits.equip_trait HeatAcclimation – Reduces (but does not prevent) the effects caused to a Sim by hot weather.
  • traits.equip_trait IceMan – Prevents adverse effects to a Sim caused by cold weather.
  • traits.equip_trait BurningMan – Prevents adverse effects to a Sim caused by hot weather.
  • traits.equip_trait Ghost_Overheat – Causes the Sim to die of overheating, and turn into a ghost. This allows a special interaction that can warm up other Sims.
  • traits.remove_trait Ghost_Overheat – Brings a Sim that had died of overheating back to life.
  • traits.equip_trait Ghost_Frozen – Causes the Sim to die from freezing, and turn into a ghost. This allows a special interaction that can cool down other Sims.
  • traits.remove_trait Ghost_Frozen – Brings a Sim that had died of freezing back to life.
  • traits.equip_trait FatherWinterBaby – Adds the following trait to the Sim: “Wow! Father Winter is actually (Sim’s name)’s Dad! That’s Amazing! Wonder if he/she gets any magical abilities?”
  • traits.equip_trait ScoutingAptitude – Adds the scouting aptitude trait to the Sim. This can be applied even to Sims incapable of becoming a scout.
  • careers.promote Adult_Gardener – Promote the gardener career (either botanist or florist branch) to a higher level, up to a maximum of 10.

The Sims 4 money cheats

  • Want to get 1,000 simoleons just type “rosebud” or “kaching”.
  • Want to get 50,000 simoleons just type “motherlode”.
  • If you want Sims 4 household to have an exact amount of money, you will have to type “testingcheats true”, type in “Money X” but replacing the “x” with a number.
  • Want to upgrade your living quarter, you can make all the lots in a neighbourhood free with the cheat code “FreeRealEstate On”. Turn it off with “FreeRealEstate off”.

The Sims 4 item cheats

In order to unlock special career item in the building mode, you will have to go to build mode and then open the cheat box and type “bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement”.

  • In order to show hidden items in the build/buy catalog type in “bb.showhiddenobjects”.
  • Placing objects anywhere you want, including locations the grid won’t allow, just type in “bb.moveobjects on” then select the object you want to move.

If you are feeling tired or want to torture your neat freak Sim? You have an option to change the status of an item. You just have to open cheat console and type “testingcheats true”, and while holding down shift click on an object and chose either “Make Dirty” or “Make Clean”.

The Sims 4 – Career Promotion Cheats

Cheat CodeResult
careers.promote ActivistGet promoted in the Politician career
(The Sims 4 City Living)
careers.promote ActorGet promoted in the Acting career
(The Sims 4 Get Famous)
careers.promote AstronautGet promoted in the Astronaut career – Space Ranger & Interstellar Smuggler
careers.promote AthleticGet promoted in the Athlete career – Professional Athlete & Bodybuilder
careers.promote BusinessGet promoted in the Business career – Management & Investor
careers.promote ConservationistGet promoted in the Conservationist career – Marine Biologist & Environmental Manager
(The Sims 4 Island Living)
careers.promote CriminalGet promoted in the Criminal career – Boss & Oracle
careers.promote careers_adult_CriticGet promoted in the Critic career
(The Sims 4 City Living)
careers.promote CulinaryGet promoted in the Culinary career – Chef & Mixologist
careers.promote DetectiveGet promoted in the Detective career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote DoctorGet promoted in the Doctor career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote EntertainerGet promoted in the Entertainer career – Musician & Comedian
careers.promote Adult_GardenerGet promoted in the Gardener career – Botanist & Florist
(The Sims 4 Seasons)
careers.promote MilitaryGet promoted in the Military career – Officer & Covert Operator
(The Sims 4 StrangerVille)
careers.promote PainterGet promoted in the Painter career – Master of the Real & Patron of the Arts
careers.promote adult_active_ScientistGet promoted in the Scientist career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote SecretAgentGet promoted in the Secret Agent career – Diamond Agent & Villain
careers.promote SocialMediaGet promoted in the Social Media career
(The Sims 4 City Living)
careers.promote InfluencerGet promoted in the Style Influencer career
careers.promote TechGuruGet promoted in the TechGuru career – Esport Gamer & Start-up Entrepreneur
careers.promote WriterGet promoted in the Writer career – Author & Journalist
careers.add_career {careername}Add a career to your Sim
careers.remove_career {careername}Quit Career
Careers.retire {careername}Quit your career and receive a pension every week
Sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas {SimID}Change career outfit in Create a Sim. Retrieve SimsID with this cheat: Sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname}

Part Time Jobs Promotion Sims 4 Cheats

Cheat CodeResult
careers.promote PartTime_BabysitterGet promoted as Babysitter
careers.promote PartTime_BaristaGet promoted as Barista
careers.promote PartTime_DiverGet promoted as Diver
(The Sims 4 Island Living)
careers.promote PartTime_FastFoodGet promoted as Fast Food Employee
careers.promote PartTime_FishermanGet promoted as Fisherman
(The Sims 4 Island Living)
careers.promote PartTime_LifeguardGet promoted as Lifeguard
(The Sims 4 Island Living)
careers.promote PartTime_ManualGet promoted as Manual Laborer
careers.promote PartTime_RetailGet promoted as Retail Employee
Money Cheat For Sims 4 Pc Game

The Sims 4 – Relationship/Social Cheats Codes

Cheat CodeResult
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} 100 LTR_Friendship_MainAdds positive friendship to 2 Sims. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth 100 LTR_Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} 100 LTR_Romance_MainAdds positive romance to 2 Sims. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth 100 LTR_Romance_Main
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} -100 Friendship_MainAdds negative friendship to 2 Sims. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth -100 LTR_Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} -100 Romance_MainAdds negative romance to 2 Sims. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth -100 LTR_Romance_Main
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_othersMakes Acquaintances with all Sims (takes a few seconds)
relationships.create_friends_for_simSpawns a new Sim friend on your lot (80% friendship bar)
Shift + click on Sim > Add to FamilyAdd the Sim to the current family
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetPetFirstName} {TargetPetLastName} 100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_MainAdds positive friendship to a Sim and a pet. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Cashew Goth 100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetPetFirstName} {TargetPetLastName} -100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_MainAdds negative friendship to a Sim and a pet. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Cashew Goth -100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main

These are best The Sims 4 Season cheats that will come handy while playing the game. Be sure to check out our other guides and tips & trick article related to The Sims 4 season.


Also Read: Best Sims 4 Sex, Woohoo, Nude & Adult Mods You Can Download For PC

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The Sims 4 Seasons Cheats: The developer of The Sims 4 Seasons have brought several changes in it making it one of the most entertaining life simulation video game. But, if things do not go as per our mindset, we have to use some The Sims 4 cheats to take the power in our hand. In this article, we have shortlisted some of the best The Sims 4 Season cheats to make the game more interesting and easy.

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Be sure to save your game before you insert or use the following list of Sims 4 Season cheats. Yes, previous update of the game caused issues with the existing skill cheats, a known issue that the developers has resolved now.

In order to use The Sims 4 Season Charts, you will have to open the command console by pressing Control + Shift + C, and entering testingcheats true allowing the game to accept the cheats you are entering. You have an option to hide the command console with Escape, if its not in use.

How to use cheats in The Sims 4

Before you enter any The Sims 4 cheat codes, you will need to bring up the not so secret cheat option. We have mentioned how you can use cheat in the Sims 4 for PC, Mac and Xbox One.

PC: Hold CTRL and Shift, then press c.

Mac: Hold Command and Shift, then press c.

Xbox One: Hold down all four shoulder buttons at once.

You will see a box in the right corner of the screen where you can now type the following cheat codes.

All The Sims 4 Seasons Cheats

  • seasons.advance_season – Skips ahead to the next season.
  • seasons.set_season (number) – Replace (number) with the corresponding season you want to jump to. 0 for summer, 1 for fall, 2 for winter, 3 for spring.
  • weather.request_forecast (number)– Shows the weather forecast on the calendar for the set number of days. Replace (number) with any value between 1 and 28 to show that amount of days.
  • weather.summon_lightning_strike – Summon a lightning strike to a random target on the ground.
  • weather.lightning_strike_object – Summon a lightning strike to a random object.
  • weather.lightning_strike_here – Enter the x y z coordinates to summon a lightning strike in a specific location.
  • traits.equip_trait Stormchaser – Acclimates a Sim to stormy weather.
  • traits.equip_trait Waterproof – Makes a Sim waterproof, and will not get wet in the rain.
  • traits.equip_trait ColdAcclimation – Reduces (but does not prevent) the effects caused to a Sim by cold weather.
  • traits.equip_trait HeatAcclimation – Reduces (but does not prevent) the effects caused to a Sim by hot weather.
  • traits.equip_trait IceMan – Prevents adverse effects to a Sim caused by cold weather.
  • traits.equip_trait BurningMan – Prevents adverse effects to a Sim caused by hot weather.
  • traits.equip_trait Ghost_Overheat – Causes the Sim to die of overheating, and turn into a ghost. This allows a special interaction that can warm up other Sims.
  • traits.remove_trait Ghost_Overheat – Brings a Sim that had died of overheating back to life.
  • traits.equip_trait Ghost_Frozen – Causes the Sim to die from freezing, and turn into a ghost. This allows a special interaction that can cool down other Sims.
  • traits.remove_trait Ghost_Frozen – Brings a Sim that had died of freezing back to life.
  • traits.equip_trait FatherWinterBaby – Adds the following trait to the Sim: “Wow! Father Winter is actually (Sim’s name)’s Dad! That’s Amazing! Wonder if he/she gets any magical abilities?”
  • traits.equip_trait ScoutingAptitude – Adds the scouting aptitude trait to the Sim. This can be applied even to Sims incapable of becoming a scout.
  • careers.promote Adult_Gardener – Promote the gardener career (either botanist or florist branch) to a higher level, up to a maximum of 10.

The Sims 4 money cheats

  • Want to get 1,000 simoleons just type “rosebud” or “kaching”.
  • Want to get 50,000 simoleons just type “motherlode”.
  • If you want Sims 4 household to have an exact amount of money, you will have to type “testingcheats true”, type in “Money X” but replacing the “x” with a number.
  • Want to upgrade your living quarter, you can make all the lots in a neighbourhood free with the cheat code “FreeRealEstate On”. Turn it off with “FreeRealEstate off”.

The Sims 4 item cheats

In order to unlock special career item in the building mode, you will have to go to build mode and then open the cheat box and type “bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement”.

Sims 4 Cheats Pc

  • In order to show hidden items in the build/buy catalog type in “bb.showhiddenobjects”.
  • Placing objects anywhere you want, including locations the grid won’t allow, just type in “bb.moveobjects on” then select the object you want to move.

If you are feeling tired or want to torture your neat freak Sim? You have an option to change the status of an item. You just have to open cheat console and type “testingcheats true”, and while holding down shift click on an object and chose either “Make Dirty” or “Make Clean”.

The Sims 4 – Career Promotion Cheats

Cheat CodeResult
careers.promote ActivistGet promoted in the Politician career
(The Sims 4 City Living)
careers.promote ActorGet promoted in the Acting career
(The Sims 4 Get Famous)
careers.promote AstronautGet promoted in the Astronaut career – Space Ranger & Interstellar Smuggler
careers.promote AthleticGet promoted in the Athlete career – Professional Athlete & Bodybuilder
careers.promote BusinessGet promoted in the Business career – Management & Investor
careers.promote ConservationistGet promoted in the Conservationist career – Marine Biologist & Environmental Manager
(The Sims 4 Island Living)
careers.promote CriminalGet promoted in the Criminal career – Boss & Oracle
careers.promote careers_adult_CriticGet promoted in the Critic career
(The Sims 4 City Living)
careers.promote CulinaryGet promoted in the Culinary career – Chef & Mixologist
careers.promote DetectiveGet promoted in the Detective career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote DoctorGet promoted in the Doctor career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote EntertainerGet promoted in the Entertainer career – Musician & Comedian
careers.promote Adult_GardenerGet promoted in the Gardener career – Botanist & Florist
(The Sims 4 Seasons)
careers.promote MilitaryGet promoted in the Military career – Officer & Covert Operator
(The Sims 4 StrangerVille)
careers.promote PainterGet promoted in the Painter career – Master of the Real & Patron of the Arts
careers.promote adult_active_ScientistGet promoted in the Scientist career
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
careers.promote SecretAgentGet promoted in the Secret Agent career – Diamond Agent & Villain
careers.promote SocialMediaGet promoted in the Social Media career
(The Sims 4 City Living)
careers.promote InfluencerGet promoted in the Style Influencer career
careers.promote TechGuruGet promoted in the TechGuru career – Esport Gamer & Start-up Entrepreneur
careers.promote WriterGet promoted in the Writer career – Author & Journalist
careers.add_career {careername}Add a career to your Sim
careers.remove_career {careername}Quit Career
Careers.retire {careername}Quit your career and receive a pension every week
Sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas {SimID}Change career outfit in Create a Sim. Retrieve SimsID with this cheat: Sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname}

Part Time Jobs Promotion Sims 4 Cheats

Cheat CodeResult
careers.promote PartTime_BabysitterGet promoted as Babysitter
careers.promote PartTime_BaristaGet promoted as Barista
careers.promote PartTime_DiverGet promoted as Diver
(The Sims 4 Island Living)
careers.promote PartTime_FastFoodGet promoted as Fast Food Employee
careers.promote PartTime_FishermanGet promoted as Fisherman
(The Sims 4 Island Living)
careers.promote PartTime_LifeguardGet promoted as Lifeguard
(The Sims 4 Island Living)
careers.promote PartTime_ManualGet promoted as Manual Laborer
careers.promote PartTime_RetailGet promoted as Retail Employee

The Sims 4 – Relationship/Social Cheats Codes

Cheat CodeResult
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} 100 LTR_Friendship_MainAdds positive friendship to 2 Sims. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth 100 LTR_Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} 100 LTR_Romance_MainAdds positive romance to 2 Sims. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth 100 LTR_Romance_Main
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} -100 Friendship_MainAdds negative friendship to 2 Sims. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth -100 LTR_Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} -100 Romance_MainAdds negative romance to 2 Sims. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Mortimer Goth -100 LTR_Romance_Main
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_othersMakes Acquaintances with all Sims (takes a few seconds)
relationships.create_friends_for_simSpawns a new Sim friend on your lot (80% friendship bar)
Shift + click on Sim > Add to FamilyAdd the Sim to the current family
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetPetFirstName} {TargetPetLastName} 100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_MainAdds positive friendship to a Sim and a pet. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Cashew Goth 100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetPetFirstName} {TargetPetLastName} -100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_MainAdds negative friendship to a Sim and a pet. Example: modifyrelationship Bella Goth Cashew Goth -100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main

These are best The Sims 4 Season cheats that will come handy while playing the game. Be sure to check out our other guides and tips & trick article related to The Sims 4 season.

Also Read: Best Sims 4 Sex, Woohoo, Nude & Adult Mods You Can Download For PC

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